Our Mission
We want to step out beyond the church walls to be part of Casper.
We reach unchurched people in uncharted territory.
Our Vision
Going Further. Together.
Our vision is to invite people into family. You matter to God and you matter to us.
We want to love people right where they are at, and lead them into the full life that Jesus promises. When you walk with a family, you can navigate uncharted territory.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Our Values
Our values describe who we are. Each one of these helps us define the culture that makes up our Uncharted family.

We do anything short of sin to reach people for Christ
The mission of making disciples trumps everything. This means that personal sacrifices, programs, models, and strategies always serve the mission

We empower leaders to lead
Trust is given; mistrust is earned. We will empower and catalyze leaders into ministry every chance we get and in every way possible.

We laugh together
Authentic laughter is a sign of joy and intimacy. A healthy church community will laugh together. We cannot do any of this alone. This means we love one another, we laugh together, we have fun together. Church really can be fun! We pursue the mission, but we do it together.

We have an outward focus
The Church is defined by its mission to the world. As soon as we become inward focused, we become a holy huddle, deaf to the cries of the spiritually hungry.

We take risks
Aquinas said, “If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would leave it in port forever.” It is impossible to achieve anything worthwhile without risk. We will refuse to allow fear to bind us to mediocrity. We need to be a church that is willing to live dangerously for Jesus. If we aren’t taking risks, we stagnate.

Our Pastor
About Caleb
Caleb has always valued being part of a team. Growing up as an athlete and continuing to pursue team-oriented activities like mountaineering and rock climbing, he has seen firsthand how much stronger and better we are when we work together. That same passion fuels his love for people and his care for the Casper community. He believes there’s beauty in trusting God through life’s ups and downs and finds joy in sharing that journey with others. Whether connecting with people or exploring the outdoors, Caleb brings enthusiasm, and a heart for building meaningful relationships.
Ministry Experience
Caleb is a dynamic and engaging communicator who is passionate about sharing God’s truth in ways that inspire and challenge people to grow in their faith. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry and a Master’s in Biblical and Theological Studies from Indiana Wesleyan University. With years of ministry experience, Caleb has served on staff at two churches and is ordained in the Wesleyan Denomination. He has also been part of the core team for two church plants, both of which are thriving today. Now, as the Lead Pastor of Uncharted Church, Caleb brings a deep love for church planting and a vision for creating a community where people can encounter Jesus in fresh, life-changing ways.
Our Beliefs
We are committed to sound Biblical theology. Even though our methods and worship styles may be progressive, our doctrines are as traditional as they come.
Below you’ll find our statements of faith to be quite similar to the vast majority of evangelical churches. And even though we are a contemporary church, we are accountable to two large and notable evangelical organizations, The Wesleyan Church and the Association of Related Churches.
Statement of Faith
The sole basis of our belief is the Bible. The Scripture in its entirety is composed of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, which originated with God, and was given through the instrumentality of many different chosen authors.
We believe that there is one living, true, Holy God, eternally existent in the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus was miraculously conceived, born of a virgin, and sinless in life. Christ was fully man and fully God, walked our earth, lived a life of obedience, suffered at the hands of men, and died on the cross. He paid the price for the sins of all, was resurrected from the dead and enthroned at God’s right hand as our Intercessor.
Salvation is wholly a work of God’s free grace, received by repentance and faith. Each person can be made new in Christ by the Holy Spirit and thereafter continuously grow in the knowledge of God.
We are a Wesleyan Church that is held accountable by the Northwest District of the Wesleyan Church.
Our Partners
The Associated of Related Churches (ARC) is an association of related churches working with church planters and church leaders to provide support, guidance, and resources to launch and grow healthy, life-giving churches.
New Life is a thriving church in Gillette, Wyoming that is committed to seeing churches grow throughout Wyoming. They strive to encourage people to come as they are and become who God created them to be. They are known for Church307, a statewide worship service designed especially for the people of Wyoming.
The Wesleyan church is a movement with a rich tradition and inspiring history in America. Specifically, The Northwest District is composed of over 75 churches from Alaska to Utah. The district places a high value on team spirit that embraces us all – no matter the size or location of the church. Every church matters!
Summit Church is a church in Buffalo Wyoming that consistently provides excellence in everything they do. They are known for relevant, fun, and engaging communication for the Buffalo area. They are committed to integrity, community, and justice.